Publication |
Prabowo, A.S. & Cahyawulan, W. (2022). Introduction to Technology of Guidance and Counseling. Tangerang: Media Edukasi Indonesia (Anggota IKAPI). (in Indonesian) |
Badrujaman, A., & Cahyawulan, W. (2020). Statistics Comic. Jakarta: UNJ Press. (in Indonesian) |
Hidayat, D. R., Cahyawulan, W., & Alfian, R. (2019). Career: Theory and Application to Guidance and Counseling Comprehensive Program. Sukabumi: Jejak Publisher. (in Indonesian) |
Cahyawulan, W., Fazny, B.Y., & Karsih. (in press). Academic Major Satisfaction as a Predictor of Psychological Well-Being and Psychological Distress. Psikopedagogia Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling. (in English) |
Cahyawulan, W. & Fazny, B.Y. (in press). Career Decision Self-Efficacy Based on Gender and Socioeconomic Status of University Students in Indonesia. KONSELI : Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling. (in English) |
Jannah, F.N. & Cahyawulan, W. (2022). Career Anxiety of Final-Year Students during COVID-19 Pandemic. Manuscript submitted for publication. (in Indonesian) |
Cahyawulan, W. & Adawiyah, R. (2022). Understanding The Role of Psychological Capital in The Employability of Final Year College Students. Manuscript submitted for publication. (in Indonesian) |
Salwani, A., & Cahyawulan, W. (2022). The Relationship between Family Social Support and Self-Efficacy in Career Decision-Making of Final Year University Students. ENLIGHTEN (Jurnal Bimbingan Dan Konseling Islam), 5(1), 25–36. (in English) |
Cahyawulan, W., & Yundianto, D. (2022). Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale-Short Form with Indonesian University Graduates: A Rasch Model Approach. Indonesian Journal of Learning Education and Counseling, 4(2), 113–124. (in English) |
Cahyawulan, W., & Wahyuni, E. (2021). Optimism, Life Satisfaction, and Resilience to Career Adaptability of Adolescents from Low Socio-Economic Class. Jurnal Penelitian Bimbingan Dan Konseling, 6(1), 39–43. (in Indonesian) |
Cahyawulan, W., & Rahmattiani, A. D. (2021). Body Image of Indonesian High School Students: The Needs of Self-Help Book based on Body Image Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. INSIGHT: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling, 10(1), 9–13. (in Indonesian) |
Rasyidah, N., & Cahyawulan, W. (2021). Social Media Addiction and Social Skills of Students in Jakarta. Jurnal Praksis Bimbingan Dan Konseling, 1(1). (in Indonesian) |
Wahyuni, E., Badrujaman, A., Cahyawulan, W., & Karsih. (2021). Investigating The Effect of Forced Technology Use on Teachers’ Stress and Mental Health During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia. 2nd Auckland International Conference on Social Sciences, Education, Entrepreneurship and Technology 2021 (AICSEET 2021), 77–93. (in English) |
Wahyuni, E., Fitri, S., & Cahyawulan, W. (2021). Emotion Regulation Difficulties and Self-Criticism Among University Students During Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia. 2nd Auckland International Conference on Social Sciences, Education, Entrepreneurship and Technology 2021 (AICSEET 2021), 94–103. (in English) |
Cahyawulan, W., Komalasari, G., & Badrujaman, A. (2021). Individual Student Planning Services with Web 2.0. Psychology and Education Journal, 58(1), 4096–4101. (in English) |
Fadhilah, R. N., & Cahyawulan, W. (2020). Self-Help Book based on Self Modification to Develop Students’ Management Skills. INSIGHT: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling, 9(1), 70–78. (in Indonesian) |
Cahyawulan, W., & Brilliyana Kartika Sari Dewi. (2020). A Self-Help Book based on Making Friends With Yourself Program to Develop Students’ Self-compassion. INSIGHT: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling, 9(2), 126–137. (in Indonesian) |
Cahyawulan, W., Komalasari, G., & Badrujaman, A. (2019). The Simulation Video of Person-Environment Fit Career Counseling Model. Bikotetik (Bimbingan Dan Konseling Teori Dan Praktik), 2(2), 115. (in Indonesian) |
Cahyawulan, W., & Nurjani, F. (2019). The Short Movie of Prescreening, In-Depth Exploration, Choice (PIC) Model to Career Decision Making. INSIGHT: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling, 8(2), 144–150. (in Indonesian) |
Komalasari, G., Yundianto, D., Wahyuni, L. D., & Cahyawulan, W. (2019). Profile of Prospective Teacher in the Special Capital Region of Jakarta. Proceedings of the International Conference on Educational Sciences and Teacher Profession (ICETeP 2018), 174–177. Paris, France: Atlantis Press. (in English) |
Hartati, S., Badrujaman, A., & Cahyawulan, W. (2019). Prospective Teachers Input Based on Intelligence Quotient in the Institute of Teacher Training and Education. Proceedings of the International Conference on Educational Sciences and Teacher Profession (ICETeP 2018), 302–305. Paris, France: Atlantis Press. (in English) |
Badrujaman A, B., A, B., & Cahyawulan, W. (2019). Internal Factors of Statistical Learning Outcomes. In A. V. Valdes, J. O. C. Hin, F. L. Ben, H.-H. Wu, T. Hirashima, O. Kaosaiyaporn, … Z. D. Kulidtod (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET 2019) (Vol. 382, pp. 277–281). Paris, France: Atlantis Press. (in English) |
Cahyawulan, W., Badrujaman, A., Fitriyani, H., Mamesah, M., Wahyuni, E., & Djunaedi, D. (2019). Development of Technological Skills of School Counselors. CARADDE: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 1(2), 195–199. (in Indonesian) |
Cahyawulan, W., & Ratih, A. (2019). Development of a Documenter Video about the Role Model with Employability Skills. INSIGHT: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling, 8(1), 65–77. (in Indonesian) |
Badrujaman, A., Cahyawulan, W., & Debasari, L. A. (2018). Development of interactive multimedia-related information about senior high school on guidance and counseling. Konselor, 7(2), 71–77. (in English) |
Badrujaman, A., Luawo, M. I. R., & Cahyawulan, W. (2018). Accountability of Layanan Dasar by School Counselor in Junior High School in East Jakarta on School Principals Perspective. Konselor, 7(4). (in English) |
Cahyawulan, W., & Sibarani, C. N. (2018). Development of Job Profile Video about Educational Jobs. Jurnal Pembelajaran Inovatif, 1(2), 1–7. (in Indonesian) |
Cahyawulan, W., & Rachmawati, D. (2018). Development of Encyclopedia of Sciences Job Profile. INSIGHT: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling, 7(2), 140–146. (in Indonesian) |
Marjo, H. K., Cahyawulan, W., & Firtiyani, H. (2017). Group Work to Develop Students’ Knowledge about Sexual Abuse Prevention. Sarwahita, 14(02), 94–98. (in Indonesian) |
Hidayat, D. R., Prabowo, A. S., Cahyawulan, W., & Fitriyani, H. (2016). The efficacy of using play therapy in children with behavior disorders: A meta-analysis overview. International Journal of Research Studies in Psychology, 5(3), 63–69. (in English) |
Cahyawulan, W. (2017). Career Counseling Life Design: Content Analysis in Career Development Quarterly Journal. In E. Laksana (Ed.), Proceeding Seminar dan Lokakarya Nasional Revitalisasi Laboratorium dan Jurnal Ilmiah dalam Implementasi Kurikulum Bimbingan dan Konseling Berbasis KKNI (pp. 282–290). Malang: Universitas Negeri Malang. Retrieved from (in Indonesian) |
Prabowo, A. S., & Cahyawulan, W. (2016). Behavioral Approach: Two Sides of Blade. INSIGHT: Jurnal Bimbingan Dan Konseling, 5(1), 15. (in Indonesian) |
Cahyawulan, W., & Prabowo, A. S. (2016). Integrative Perspective: An alternative Way to Conventional Counseling. INSIGHT: Jurnal Bimbingan Dan Konseling, 5(1), 140. (in Indonesian) |
Cahyawulan, W., Hanim, W., & Herdi, H. (2014). Comic Books to Develop Career Maturity of Middle School Students. INSIGHT: Jurnal Bimbingan Dan Konseling, 3(2), 143. (in Indonesian) |