The faculty of Education is welcoming a guest lecturer from Edu HK Dr. Wang, Hui on Thursday, 28 March 2024. Dr. Wang, Hui is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Special Education and Counselling, The Education University of Hong Kong. This public lecture’s venue is in the Daksinapati building’s meeting room on the second floor the home of the Faculty of Education and also a hybrid Zoom meeting room. The main topic of this public lecture is Investigating the power of teacher motivation and emotions for enhanced well-being and teaching quality. Dr. Murni Winarsih, M.Pd., The Dean of faculty of education Universitas Negeri Jakarta opened this agenda with a warm welcoming speech to the speaker and the audience. More than 300 participants are enthusiastic to discuss the topic with Dr.Wang.
Dr. Wang shared her research in this public lecture. Two research interest of Dr. Wang is teacher emotion and teacher motivation. One of Dr. Wang’s research about teacher emotions is The double-edge function of emotional labor. Teacher Emotional labor is divided into three parts: Deep acting; Surface acting (Faking and Hiding emotion); and Genuine expression of emotion. Deep acting means internalizing the desired emotions such that the emotions expressed are more consistent with felt emotions. Surface acting is described as externally expressing an emotion that differs from internal feelings. Then genuine expression of emotions is to express desired emotions that are also felt.
The discussion session is very interesting. The participants are enthusiastic. And finally, the public lecture is closed with taking group pictures. The next agenda is a collaboration discussion about joining the research between lecturers of the faculty of education UNJ and Edu HK. In a few months ahead Faculty of Education UNJ will hold international seminars. We hope we can continue today’s activities with further collaboration between UNJ and Edu HK.